

Contact info

Előd Méhes, PhD

  • research fellow @ ELTE, Department of Biological Physics, Budapest, Hungary


I earned my MSc in biology in 1996 from Eötvös University, Budapest followed by a degree in English translation and interpreting in 1997 and an ME in biology teaching in 2010, all from Eötvös University, Budapest. Following the MSc I moved on to research and earned my PhD from the Faculty of Veterinary Science of Szt. István University (thesis title: “Extracellular matrix and cytoskeleton: investigations of the impact of laminin-1 on cell motility through the dystrophin glycoprotein complex (DGC) in cultured retinal Muller glial cells”). Since then I have been working in cell motility and videomicroscopy at the Department of Biological Physics of Eötvös University.

I currently work as a post-doc research fellow in the EU ERC COLLMOT project where I am involved in the Cellcollmot sub-project investigating pattern formation by collective cell migration-driven segregation, an research field in experimental biology closely related to cell biology and time-lapse videomicroscopy.

Publications related to the COLLMOT project

PubList(author:Előd Méhes, order=-year)?


PubList(author:Előd Méhes, order=-year, path_to_files=, bibfile=trunk/public/references/elod/publication_list.bib)?