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Tamás Nepusz, PhD

  • post-doc @ ELTE TTK Dep. of Biological Physics, Budapest, Hungary


Tamás received his M.Sc. degree in computer science from the Budapest University of Technology and Economics in 2005, and moved on to pursue a Ph.D. degree at the Department of Measurement and Information Systems. Having fulfilled the requirements of a Ph.D. in 2008, he applied for and received the Newton International Fellowship from the Royal Society and relocated to Royal Holloway, University of London as a post-doc research fellow in bioinformatics and machine learning. He returned to Hungary in late 2010 to join the Department of Biological Physics at the Eötvös University and to work on topics related to collective motion and the emergence of hierarchies in complex systems. He is also interested in clustering algorithms for complex networks and the application of machine learning methods to solve biological problems. He is a holder of the Pro Scientia Golden Medal since 2005.


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