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April 26, 2010:
High-resolution trajectories are available to download.

April 8, 2010:
The paper was published in Nature and the website for Supplementary Materials was launched.





Version: 1.0
(April 8, 2010)

Response in the media

In English

Nature News Airborne pigeons obey the pecking order
During flight, pigeons in a flock follow the leader
Nature Podcast Birds of a feather
GPS-tagged pigeons show who follows who in a flock
Science News Pigeons usually let best navigator take the lead
But other birds sometimes get a turn at the helm
National Public Radio
Washington, DC
1: Birds With Backpacks May Help Us Understand Leadership
2: Backpacked Birds Reveal Who's The Boss
Reuters UK Scientists fix GPS to pigeons to analyze leadership
Discovery News Pigeons Wear GPS Backpacks for Science
Wired Pigeon Flocks Let the Best Bird Lead
Physorg Pigeon 'backpacks' track flock voting
The Independent Revealed: the mechanism that allows birds of a feather to flock together
Daily Mail How birds of a feather are able to flock together... they are democratic
Discover Magazine 1: How They Flock Together: Pigeons Obey the Pecking Order During Flight
2: GPS backpacks identify leaders among flocking pigeons
Science Now When Pigeons Flock, Who's in Command?
Times Colonist Technology gets higher to follow leader of pigeon flock
European Commission CORDIS Bird backpacks provide new insight into leadership
Discovery Channel Daily Planet
News entries based on the above sources
90.9fm WBUR Backpacked Birds Reveal Who's The Boss
Kosu The State's Public Radio Backpacked Birds Reveal Who's The Boss
Yahoo! News Scientists fix GPS to pigeons to analyze leadership

In Hungarian - Magyarul

MR1 Kossuth Rádió Tudás alapú a galambok közötti hierarchia [.mp3]
[origo] Kövesd a saját vezéreidet!
Figyelõ Galambvezérek
Népszabadság Magyar sikerért repülõ postagalambok
MTA Hírek A galambok ismerik egymás képességeit

In German - Deutsch

Spiegel Taubenschwärme gehorchen klaren Regeln

In Spanish - Español

El País La situación de las aves en las bandadas es jerárquica