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April 26, 2010:
High-resolution trajectories are available to download.

April 8, 2010:
The paper was published in Nature and the website for Supplementary Materials was launched.





Version: 1.0
(April 8, 2010)

Download Supplementary Movies

Supplementary Movie 1: Free Flight [avi] [youtube]

Shorter version in QuickTime Format [mov]
This movie contains an animation showing the flight of a flock of 10 homing pigeons around their home loft, reconstructed from high-precision GPS data. Individuals are coloured according to hierarchical leadership rank (shown in the top left), determined on the basis of pairwise directional correlation delay times between individuals.

Supplementary Movie 2: Homing Flight [avi] [youtube]

Shorter version in QuickTime Format [mov]
This movie contains an animation showing the flight of a flock of nine homing pigeons during a homing journey, reconstructed from high-precision GPS data. Individuals are coloured according to hierarchical leadership rank (shown in the top left), determined on the basis of pairwise directional correlation delay times between individuals.