Anna Zafeiris

Senior research fellow at the
MTA-ELTE Statistical and Biological Physics Research Group,
hosted by the Department of Biological Physics
of the Eotvos Lorand University of Science (Budapest, Hungary)

Research interest:

Understanding and modelling social (and biological) systems using tools and methods
borrowed from the fields of physics and information technology.
This is very close to the rapidly emerging scientific field called Computational Social Science.

I am particularly interested in belief systems (in its wider sense): how beliefs are organized in humans (and what beliefs are, in a deeper sense), how this system can be represented mathematically, how it effects the dynamics of opinions and how can our understanding of human belief systems utilized in artificial systems.

I am also intersted (and worked quite a bit) on the characteristics of optimal self-organizing groups, especially from the viewpoint of optimal collective decision making.
Contact Information:

ELTE, Biological Physics Department
Pazmany Peter stny. 1/A,
Budapest, Hungary, 1117

Room number: 3.92
Phone: + 36(1)372-2500/6367
email: email


Selected publications:

  • Anna Zafeiris "Opinion polarization in human communities can emerge as a natural consequence of beliefs being interrelated", Entropy, 24(9), 1320,, 2022. (pdf)
    Video abstract:

  • Evelin Berekméri and Anna Zafeiris "Optimal collective decision making: consensus, accuracy and the effects of limited access to information", Scientific Reports, 10:16997,, 2020. (pdf)

  • Anna Zafeiris and Tamás Vicsek, "Why we live in hierarchies: a quantitative treatise", (book) published as part of the SpringerBriefs in Complexity Series, 2018. (pdf)

  • Anna Zafeiris and Tamás Vicsek, "Group performance is maximized by hierarchical competence distribution", Nature Communications, 4, Article number: 2484, doi:10.1038/ncomms3484, 2013. (pdf)

  • Tamás Vicsek and Anna Zafeiris, "Collective motion", Physics Reports, 517(3-4), pp. 71-140, 2012. (pdf)

  • Anna Lázár, Dániel Ábel and Tamás Vicsek, "Modularity measure of networks with overlapping communities," EPL (Europhysics Letters) Volume 90 Number 1, pp 18001, 2010 (pdf) (2nd prize of the "European Conference on Complex Systems 2010 Best Papers Award" - Conference version)

  • Tamás Roska, Dávid Bálya, Anna Lázár, Kristóf Karacs, Róbert Wágner, Mihály Szuhaj, "System aspects of a bionic eyeglass", Proc. of International Symposium on Circuits and Systems ISCAS, pp. 161-164, 2006. (pdf)