- T. Vicsek: "Fractal Growth Phenomena" (World Scientific, Singapore, New Jersey) 1989, 368 pages
- - second edition (World Scientific, Singapore, New Jersey) 1992, 488 pages
- F. Family and T. Vicsek (eds.) "Dynamics of Fractal Surfaces" (World Scientific, Singapore, New Jersey) 1991
- T. Vicsek, M. Shlesinger and M. Matsushita (eds) "Fractals in Natural Sciences" (World Scientific, Singapore, New Yersey) 1994
- T. Vicsek, ed.," Fluctuations and Scaling in Biology" (Oxford Univ. Press, Oxford) 2001
- A. T. Skjeltorp and T. Vicsek, eds, Complexity from Microscopic to Macroscopic Scales: Coherence and large deviations, NATO Science Series (Kluwer, Dordrecht) 2002
- A. Zafeiris and T. Vicsek "Why we live in hierarchies? A quantitative treatise" (Springer, Berlin, ISBN:978-3-319-70483-8) 2018
Journal articles
Partha Sarathi Mondal, Pawan Kumar Mishra, Tamás Vicsek and Shradha Mishra: "Dynamical swirl structures powered by microswimmers in active nematics". Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 659() pp. DOI:, (2025).
Haosen Cao, Bin-Bin Hu, Xiaoyu Mo, Duxin Chen, Jianxi Gao, Ye Yuan, Guanrong Chen, Tamás Vicsek, Xiaohong Guan and Hai-Tao Zhang: "The immense impact of reverse edges on large hierarchical networks". Engineering 36(p. 240) pp. DOI:, (2024).
M. Nagy, J.D. Davidson, G. Vasarhelyi, D. Abel, E. Kubinyi, A. E. Hady and T. Vicsek: "Long-term tracking of social structure in groups of rats". Scientific Reports Open Access(14) pp., (2024).
Fatemeh Pakpour and Tamás Vicsek : "Delay-induced phase transitions in active matter". Physica A 634() pp. DOI:, (2024).
B. Balazs, T. Vicsek, G. Somorjai, T. Nepusz and G. Vasarhelyi: "Decentralized traffic management of autonomous drones". Swarm Intelligence Open Access() pp., (2024).
E. Mehes, E. Mones, M. Varga, A. Zsigmond, B. Biri-Kovacs, L. Nyitray, V. Barone, G. Krens, C-P. Heisenberg and T. Vicsek: "3D cell segregation geometry and dynamics are governed by tissue surface tension regulation". Communications Biology Open Access() pp., (2023).
Danial Vahabli and Tamás Vicsek : "Emergence of synchronised rotations in dense active matter with disorder". Communications Physics Open Access, selected for: pp., (2023).
M. Zamani, E. Aighon, P. Pollner, T. Vicsek and H. Kantz: "Anomalous diffusion in the citation time series of scientific publications". Journal of Physics: Complexity 2(3) pp. 035024, (2021).
M. Nagy, A. Horicsanyi, E. Kubinyi, I. D. Couzin, G. Vasarhelyi, A. Flack T. Vicsek: "Synergistic benefits of group search in rats". Current Biology Open Access() pp. DOI:, (2020).
B. Balazs, G. Vasarhelyi, and T. Vicsek: "Adaptive leadership overcomes persistence vs responsivity trade-off in flocking". Journal of The Royal Society Interface 17(167) pp. 0190853, (2020).
Maryam Zamani, Fereshteh Rabbani, Attila Horicsanyi, Anna Zafeiris T. Vicsek: "Differences in structure and dynamics of networks retrieved from dark and public web forums". Physica A 525() pp. 326-336, (2019).
Yongnan Jia and Tamás Vicsek : "Modelling hierarchical flocking". New Journal of Physics 21() pp. 093048, (2019).
G. Vasarhelyi, Cs. Viragh, G. Somorjai, T. Nepusz, A. E. Eiben T. Vicsek: "Optimized flocking of autonomous drones in confined environments". Science Robotics 3(20) pp. eaat3536, (2018).
Maryam Zamani, L Camargo-Forero and Tamás Vicsek : "Stability of glassy hierarchical networks". New Journal of Physics 20() pp. 023025, (2018).
Gergely Palla , Nora Pall , Anna Horvath, Katalin Molnar, Balint Toth, Tamas Kovats, Gyorgy Surjan, Tamás Vicsek, and Peter Pollner : "Complex clinical pathways of an autoimmune disease". Journal of Complex Networks 6(2) pp. 206-214, (2018).
Balint J. Toth, Gergely Palla, Enys Mones, Gergo Havadi, Nora Pall, Peter Pollner Tamás Vicsek: "Emergence of leader-follower hierarchy among players in an on-line experiment". Proceedings of the 2018 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining, ASONAM () pp. 1184-1190, (2018).
Milán Janosov, Gábor Vásárhelyi, Csaba Virágh and Tamás Vicsek : "Group chasing tactics: how to catch a faster prey". New Journal of Physics 19() pp. 053003, (2017).
Maryam Zamani and Tamás Vicsek : "Glassy nature of hierarchical organizations". Scientific Reports 7(1382) pp. , (2017).
Bence Ferdinandy, Katalin Ozogany and Tamás Vicsek : "Collective motion of groups of self-propelled particles following interacting leaders". Physica A 479() pp. 467-477, (2017).
Anna Zafeiris, Zsombor Koman, Enys Mones and Tamás Vicsek : "Phenomenological theory of collective decision-making". PHysica A 479() pp. 287-298, (2017).
Michael Smutny, Zsuzsa Akos, Silvia Grigolon, Shayan Shamipour, Verena Ruprecht, Daniel Capek, Martin Behrndt, Ekaterina Papusheva, Masazumi Tada, Bjoern Hof, Tamás Vicsek, Guillaume Salbreux and Carl-Philipp Heisenberg : "Friction forces position the neural anlage". Nature Cell Biology 19() pp. 306-317, (2017).
Tamás Vicsek : "Ecological patterns emerging as a result of the density distribution of organisms: Comment on "Phase separation driven by density-dependent movement: A novel mechanism for ecological patterns" by Quan-Xing Liu et al.". Physics in Life Reviews 16() pp. 30122-3, (2016).
Páll N, Molnár K, Kováts T, Surján G, Vicsek T, Horváth A and Pollner P : "A nationwide study of the epidemiology of relapsing polychondritis". Clinical Epidemiology 8() pp. 211—230, (2016).
Zhao Cheng, Zhiyong Chen, Tamás Vicsek, Duxin Chen and Hai-Tao Zhang : "Pattern phase transitions of self-propelled particles: gases, crystals, liquids, and mills". New Journal of Physics 18() pp. 103005, (2016).
Zhao Cheng, Zhiyong Chen, Tamás Vicsek, Duxin Chen and Hai-Tao Zhang : "Switching hierarchical leadership mechanism in homing flight of pigeon flocks". Europhys. Lett. 114() pp. 60008, (2016).
Bence Ferdinandy, Enys Mones, Tamás Vicsek and Viktor Muller: "HIV Competition Dynamics over Sexual Networks: First Comer Advantage Conserves Founder Effects". PLoS Comput. Biol. () pp. 11(2): e1004093, (2015).
Anna Zafeiris and Tamás Vicsek: "in Research in the Decision Sciences for Global Business: Best Papers from the 2013 Annual Conference: The Advantages of Hierarchical Organization: From Pigeon Flocks to Optimal Network Structures". Chapter 3() pp. 21-34, (2015).
Enys Mones, Andras Czirok and Tamás Vicsek: "Anomalous segregation dynamics of self-propelled particles". New J. Phys 17() pp. 063o13, (2015).
Kata Ozogany and Tamás Vicsek: "Modeling the emergence of modular leadership hierarchy during the collective motion of herds made of harems". J. Stat. Phys 158() pp. 628-646, (2015).
Kunal Bhattacharya and Tamás Vicsek: "To join or not to join: collective foraging strategies". Journal of Physics: Conference Series 638(1) pp. 012015, (2015).
Laszlo Oroszi, Péter Galajda, Lóránd Kelemen, Anna Mathesz, Tamás Vicsek, Gaszton Vizsnyiczai, András Búzás and Pal Ormos: "Dimensionality constraints of light-induced rotation". Applied Physics Letters 107() pp. 204106, (2015).
G. Tibe'ly, E. Mones, P. Pollner G. Palla and Tamás Vicsek : "Hierarchical networks of scientific journals". Palgrave Communications 1(1) pp. 15016, (2015).
Benjamin Pettit, Zsuzsa Akos, Tamás Vicsek Dora Biro: "Speed Determines Leadership and Leadership Determines Learning during Pigeon Flocking". Current Biology, Cover 25(23) pp. 3132-3137, (2015).
Enys Mones, Peter Pollner and Tamás Vicsek: "Universal hierarchical behavior of citation networks". Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2014(5) pp. P05023, (2014).
Zsuzsa Akos, Robert Beck, Mate Nagy, Tamás Vicsek and Eniko Kubinyi: "Leadership and Path Characteristics during Walks Are Linked to Dominance Order and Individual Traits in Dogs". PLoS Comput Biol 10(1) pp. e1003446, (2014).10.1371/journal.pcbi.1003446
Enys Mones, Nuno A. M. Araújo, Tamás Vicsek and ns J. Herrmann : "Shock waves on complex networks". Scientific Reports 4(4949), (2014).
Csaba Virágh, Gabor Vasarhelyi, Norbert Tarcai, Tamas Szorényi, Gergely Somorjai, Tamas Nepusz and Tamás Vicsek: "Flocking algorithm for autonomous flying robots". Bioinspir. Biomim. 9(2) pp. 025012, (2014).
A Szanto-Varnagy, P Pollner, T Vicsek and IJ Farkas: "Scientometrics: untangling the topics". National Science Review July 24(doi: 10.1093/nsr/nwu027) pp. , (2014).
Kunal Bhattacharia and Tamás Vicsek: "Collective foraging in heterogeneous landscapes". J. R. Soc. Interface 11() pp. 20140674, (2014).
Elod Mehes and Tamás Vicsek: "Collective motion of cells: from experiments to models". Integrative biology 6(9) pp. 831-854, (2014).
Zhang Hai-Tao, Chen Zhiyong, Tamás Vicsek, Feng Guanjun, Sun Longsheng, qi Su and Tao Zhou: "Route-dependent switch between hierarchical and egalitarian strategies in pigeon flocks". Scientific Reports 4(Article number 5805) pp. , (2014).
Andrea Flack, Zsuzsa Ákos, Máté Nagy, Tamás Vicsek and Dora Biro: "Robustness of flight leadership relations in pigeons". Animal Behaviour 86(4) pp. 723–732, (2013).
Linda Gerencsér, Gábor Vásárhelyi, Máté Nagy, Tamás Vicsek and Adam Miklósi: "Identification of Behaviour in Freely Moving Dogs (Canis familiaris) Using Inertial Sensors". PloS one 8(10) pp. e77814, (2013).
Tamás Nepusz and Tamás Vicsek: "Hierarchical self-organization of non-cooperating individuals". PloS one 8(12) pp. e81449, (2013).
Máté Nagy, Gábor Vásárhelyi, Benjamin Pettit, Isabella Roberts-Mariani, Tamás Vicsek and Dora Biro: "Context-dependent hierarchies in pigeons". Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110(32) pp. 13049–13054, (2013).
Anna Zafeiris and Tamás Vicsek: "Group performance is maximized by hierarchical competence distribution". Nature communications 4, (2013).
Előd Méhes and Tamás Vicsek: "Segregation mechanisms of tissue cells: from experimental data to models". Complex Adaptive Systems Modeling 1(1) pp. 4, (2013).
Bálint Tóth, Tamás Vicsek and Gergely Palla: "Overlapping Modularity at the Critical Point of k-Clique Percolation". Journal of Statistical Physics pp. 1–18, (2013).
Pollner P, Vicsek T, Tibély G and G Palla: "Extracting Tag Hierarchies". PLoS ONE 8(12) pp. e84133, (2013).
Marzena Ciszak, Diego Comparini, Barbara Mazzolai, Frantisek Baluska, F Tito Arecchi, Tamás Vicsek and Stefano Mancuso: "Swarming behavior in plant roots". PloS one 7(1) pp. e29759, (2012).
Gergely Tibély, Péter Pollner, Tamás Vicsek and Gergely Palla: "Ontologies and tag-statistics". New Journal of Physics 14(5) pp. 053009, (2012).
Enys Mones, Lilla Vicsek and Tamás Vicsek: "Hierarchy measure for complex networks". PLoS One 7(3) pp. e33799, (2012).
Előd Méhes, Enys Mones, Valéria Németh and Tamás Vicsek: "Collective motion of cells mediates segregation and pattern formation in co-cultures". PloS one 7(2) pp. e31711, (2012).
Péter Pollner, Gergely Palla and Tamás Vicsek: "Parallel clustering with CFinder". Parallel Processing Letters 22(01), (2012).
Tamás Vicsek: "Biological physics: Swarming microtubules". Nature 483(7390) pp. 411–412, (2012).
Anrdás Búzás, Lóránd Kelemen, Anna Mathesz, László Oroszi, Gaszton Vizsnyiczai, Tamás Vicsek and Pál Ormos: "Light sailboats: Laser driven autonomous microrobots". Applied Physics Letters 101(4) pp. 041111–041111, (2012).
Bence Ferdinandy, Kunal Bhattacharya, Daniel Abel and Tamás Vicsek: "Landing together: How flocks arrive at a coherent action in time and space in the presence of perturbations". Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 391(4) pp. 1207–1215, (2012).
Tamás Nepusz and Tamás Vicsek: "Controlling edge dynamics in complex networks". Nature Physics 8(7) pp. 568–573, (2012).
Andreas Deutsch, Guy Theraulaz and Tamás Vicsek: "Collective motion in biological systems". Interface Focus 2(6) pp. 689–692, (2012).
Tamás Vicsek and Anna Zafeiris: "Collective motion". Physics Reports 517(3) pp. 71–140, (2012).
Norbert Tarcai, Csaba Virágh, Dániel Ábel, Máté Nagy, Péter L Várkonyi, Gábor Vásárhelyi and Tamás Vicsek: "Patterns, transitions and the role of leaders in the collective dynamics of a simple robotic flock". Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2011(04) pp. P04010, (2011).
Gergely Palla, Péter Pollner and Tamás Vicsek: "Rotated multifractal network generator". Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2011(02) pp. P02003, (2011).
Gergely Palla, László Lovász and Tamás Vicsek: "Multifractal network generator". Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107(17) pp. 7640–7645, (2010).
Zsuzsa \'A}kos, Máté Nagy, Severin Leven and Tamás Vicsek: "Thermal soaring flight of birds and unmanned aerial vehicles". Bioinspiration \& biomimetics 5(4) pp. 045003, (2010).
Mate Nagy, Zsuzsa Akos, Dora Biro and Tamás Vicsek: "Hierarchical group dynamics in pigeon flocks". Nature 464(7290) pp. 890-893, (2010).
Péter Pollner, Gergely Palla and Tamás Vicsek: "Clustering of tag-induced subgraphs in complex networks". Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 389(24) pp. 5887–5894, (2010).
Balázs Gönci, Valéria Németh, Emeric Balogh, Bálint Szabó, Ádám Dénes, Zsuzsanna Környei and Tamás Vicsek: "Viral epidemics in a cell culture: novel high resolution data and their interpretation by a percolation theory based model". PloS one 5(12) pp. e15571, (2010).
K Bhattacharya and Tamás Vicsek: "Collective decision making in cohesive flocks". New Journal of Physics 12(9) pp. 093019, (2010).
Katharina A Zweig, Gergely Palla and Tamás Vicsek: "What makes a phase transition? Analysis of the random satisfiability problem". Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 389(8) pp. 1501–1511, (2010).
Anna Lázár, Dániel Ábel and Tamás Vicsek: "Modularity measure of networks with overlapping communities". EPL (Europhysics Letters) 90(1) pp. 18001, (2010).
Gergely Palla and Tamás Vicsek: "Statistical Properties of Social Group Evolution". Developments in Intelligent Agent Technologies and Multi-agent Systems: Concepts and Applications pp. 38, (2010).
Tamás Vicsek: "Statistical physics: Closing in on evaders". Nature 466(7302) pp. 43–44, (2010).
Péter Szabó, Máté Nagy and Tamás Vicsek: "Transitions in a self-propelled-particles model with coupling of accelerations". Physical Review E 79(2) pp. 021908, (2009).
Gergely Palla and Tamás Vicsek: "Statistical Properties of Community Dynamics in Large Social Networks". International Journal of Agent Technologies and Systems (IJATS) 1(4) pp. 1–16, (2009).
Zsuzsa \'A}kos, Máté Nagy and Tamás Vicsek: "Comparing bird and human soaring strategies". Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 105(11) pp. 4139–4143, (2008).
Balázs Gönci, Máté Nagy and Tamás Vicsek: "Phase transition in the scalar noise model of collective motion in three dimensions". The European Physical Journal Special Topics 157(1) pp. 53–59, (2008).
Péter Pollner, Gergely Palla, Dániel Ábel, András Vicsek, Illés J Farkas, Imre Derényi and Tamás Vicsek: "Centrality properties of directed module members in social networks". Physica A: statistical Mechanics and its Applications 387(19) pp. 4959–4966, (2008).
Vanda Szlávik, Bálint Szabó, Tamás Vicsek, József Barabás, Sándor Bogdán, Veronika Gresz, Gábor Varga, Brian O'Connell and János Vág: "Differentiation of primary human submandibular gland cells cultured on basement membrane extract". Tissue Engineering Part A 14(11) pp. 1915–1926, (2008).
Gergely Palla, Illés J Farkas, Péter Pollner, Imre Derényi and Tamás Vicsek: "Fundamental statistical features and self-similar properties of tagged networks". New Journal of Physics 10(12) pp. 123026, (2008).
Illés Farkas, Dániel Ábel, Gergely Palla and Tamás Vicsek: "Weighted network modules". New Journal of Physics 9(6) pp. 180, (2007).
Gergely Palla, Albert-László Barabási and Tamás Vicsek: "Community dynamics in social networks". Fluctuation and Noise Letters 7(03) pp. L273–L287, (2007).
Tamás Vicsek: "Phase transitions and overlapping modules in complex networks". Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 378(1) pp. 20–32, (2007).
G Palla, A Barabasi and T Vicsek: "Community dynamics in social networks (Invited Paper)[6601-05]". PROCEEDINGS-SPIE THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR OPTICAL ENGINEERING 6601 pp. 6601, (2007).
Gergely Palla, Imre Derényi and Tamás Vicsek: "The Critical Point of k-Clique Percolation in the Erdős–Rényi Graph". Journal of Statistical Physics 128(1-2) pp. 219–227, (2007).
Gergely Palla, Albert-László Barabási and Tamás Vicsek: "Quantitative social group dynamics on a large scale". communities 5 pp. 23, (2007).
Gergely Palla, Illes J Farkas, Peter Pollner, Imre Derenyi and Tamás Vicsek: "Directed network modules". New Journal of Physics 9(6) pp. 186, (2007).
Máté Nagy, István Daruka and Tamás Vicsek: "New aspects of the continuous phase transition in the scalar noise model (SNM) of collective motion". Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 373 pp. 445–454, (2007).
Gergely Palla, Albert-László Barabási and Tamás Vicsek: "Quantifying social group evolution". Nature 446(7136) pp. 664–667, (2007).
Marta C González, Hans J Herrmann, J Kertész and T Vicsek: "Community structure and ethnic preferences in school friendship networks". Physica A: Statistical mechanics and its applications 379(1) pp. 307–316, (2007).
Peter Pollner, Gergely Palla and Tamás Vicsek: "Preferential attachment of communities: The same principle, but a higher level". EPL (Europhysics Letters) 73(3) pp. 478, (2006).
Balázs Adamcsek, Gergely Palla, Illés J Farkas, Imre Derényi and Tamás Vicsek: "CFinder: locating cliques and overlapping modules in biological networks". Bioinformatics 22(8) pp. 1021–1023, (2006).
Tamás Vicsek: "Uncovering the overlapping modules of complex networks". Bulletin of the American Physical Society, (2006).
Balint Szabo, GJ Szöllösi, B Gönci, Zs Jurányi, David Selmeczi and Tamás Vicsek: "Phase transition in the collective migration of tissue cells: experiment and model". Physical Review E 74(6) pp. 061908, (2006).
Gergely Palla, Imre Derenyi, Illes J Farkas and Tamás Vicsek: "Locating overlapping dense subgraphs in gene (protein) association networks and predicting novel protein functional groups among these subgraphs". Bulletin of the American Physical Society, (2006).
Illés J Farkas and Tamás Vicsek: "Initiating a Mexican wave: An instantaneous collective decision with both short-and long-range interactions". Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 369(2) pp. 830–840, (2006).
Gergely Palla, Imre Derényi, Illés Farkas and Tamás Vicsek: "Uncovering the overlapping community structure of complex networks in nature and society". Nature 435(7043) pp. 814–818, (2005).
Illés J Farkas and Tamás Vicsek: "Patterns in the collective behavior of humans". AIP Conference Proceedings 779 pp. 1, (2005).
Gergely Palla, Dániel Ábel, Imre Derényi, Illés Farkas, Péter Pollner and Tamás Vicsek: "K-clique percolation and clustering in directed and weighted networks". Bolayai Society Mathematical Studies, (2005).
Imre Derényi, Gergely Palla and Tamás Vicsek: "Clique percolation in random networks". Physical review letters 94(16) pp. 160202, (2005).
Elöd Méhes, András Czirók, Balázs Hegedüs, Bálint Szabó, Tamás Vicsek, Jakob Satz, Kevin Campbell and Veronika Jancsik: "Dystroglycan is involved in laminin-1-stimulated motility of Müller glial cells: Combined velocity and directionality analysis". Glia 49(4) pp. 492–500, (2005).
B Szabo, Zs Környei, J Zach, D Selmeczi, G Csucs, A Czirok and T Vicsek: "Auto-reverse nuclear migration in bipolar mammalian cells on micropatterned surfaces". Cell motility and the cytoskeleton 59(1) pp. 38–49, (2004).
Gergely Palla, Illés Farkas, Imre Derényi, Albert-László Barabási and Tamás Vicsek: "Reverse engineering of linking preferences from network restructuring". Physical Review E 70(4) pp. 046115, (2004).
Imre Derényi, Illés Farkas, Gergely Palla and Tamás Vicsek: "Topological phase transitions of random networks". Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 334(3) pp. 583–590, (2004).
E Almaas, B Kovacs, T Vicsek, ZN Oltvai and A-L Barabási: "Global organization of metabolic fluxes in the bacterium Escherichia coli". Nature 427(6977) pp. 839–843, (2004).
Júlia Zách, András Czirók, József Lövey, Tamás Vicsek Balázs Hegedus: "Irradiation and Taxol Treatment Result in Non-Monotonous, Dose-Dependent Changes in the Motility of Glioblastoma Cells". Journal of Neuro-Oncology 67(1-2) pp. 147–157, (2004).
Gergely Palla, Imre Derényi, Illés Farkas and Tamás Vicsek: "Statistical mechanics of topological phase transitions in networks". Physical Review E 69(4) pp. 046117, (2004).
Tamás Vicsek: "Searching for a theory of society". Physics World pp. 38–39, (2004).
T Vicsek: "Crowd control". Europhysics News 34(2) pp. 45–49, (2003).
I Farkas, ZN Oltvai, H Jeong, T Vicsek, AL Barabási, Z Neda, A Schubert, E Ravasz and I Derényi: "Networks in life". Physica A 314(cond-mat/0303106) pp. 25–34, (2003).
I Farkas, D Helbing and T Vicsek: "Human waves in stadiums". Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 330(1) pp. 18–24, (2003).
Z Néda, A Nikitin and T Vicsek: "Synchronization of two-mode stochastic oscillators: a new model for rhythmic applause and much more". Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 321(1) pp. 238–247, (2003).
D Helbing, T Vicsek and hers : "Human waves in stadiums". Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 330(1) pp. 18–24, (2003).
P Tegzes, T Vicsek and P Schiffer: "Development of correlations in the dynamics of wet granular avalanches". Physical Review E 67(5) pp. 051303, (2003).
I Farkas, Hawoong Jeong, Tamás Vicsek, A-L Barabási and Zoltan N Oltvai: "The topology of the transcription regulatory network in the yeast,< i> Saccharomyces cerevisiae". Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 318(3) pp. 601–612, (2003).
Bálint Szabó and Tamás Vicsek: "Protein-induced morphological transitions in KCl crystal growth". Physical Review E 67(1) pp. 011908, (2003).
Zénó Farkas, Imre Derényi and Tamás Vicsek: "DNA uptake into nuclei: numerical and analytical results". Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 15(18) pp. S1767, (2003).
P Tegzes, T Vicsek and P Schiffer: "Avalanche dynamics in wet granular materials". Physical review letters 89(9) pp. 094301, (2002).
Zénó Farkas, Ferenc Szalai, Dietrich E Wolf and Tamás Vicsek: "Segregation of granular binary mixtures by a ratchet mechanism". Physical Review E 65(2) pp. 022301, (2002).
I Farkas, I Derényi, H Jeong, Z Neda, ZN Oltvai, E Ravasz, A Schubert, A-L Barabási and T Vicsek: "Networks in life: Scaling properties and eigenvalue spectra". Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 314(1) pp. 25–34, (2002).
Előd Méhes, András Czirók, Balázs Hegedüs, Tamás Vicsek and Veronika Jancsik: "Laminin-1 increases motility, path-searching, and process dynamism of rat and mouse Muller glial cells in vitro: Implication of relationship between cell behavior and formation of retinal morphology". Cell motility and the cytoskeleton 53(3) pp. 203–213, (2002).
Dirk Helbing, Illes J Farkas, Peter Molnar and Tamás Vicsek: "Simulation of pedestrian crowds in normal and evacuation situations". Pedestrian and evacuation dynamics 21 pp. 21–58, (2002).
Máté Maródi, Francesco d’Ovidio and Tamás Vicsek: "Synchronization of oscillators with long range interaction: Phase transition and anomalous finite size effects". Physical Review E 66(1) pp. 011109, (2002).
Illés Farkas, Dirk Helbing and Tamás Vicsek: "Social behaviour: Mexican waves in an excitable medium". Nature 419(6903) pp. 131–132, (2002).
Dirk Helbing, Illes Farkas and Tamás Vicsek: "Mexican waves in an excitable medium". Nature 419 pp. 131–132, (2002).
Dirk Helbing, I Farkas, Péter Molnár and Tamás Vicsek: "Simulation von Fu{\ss}gängermengen in normalen Situationen und im Evakuierungsfall". Vortrag bei der AGE Zentralveranstaltung, (2002).
Peter Schiffer, Pal Tegzes and Tamás Vicsek: "Avalanche Dynamics and Stability in Wet Granular Media"., (2002).
Albert-Laszlo Barabási, Hawoong Jeong, Zoltan Néda, Erzsebet Ravasz, Andras Schubert and Tamás Vicsek: "Evolution of the social network of scientific collaborations". Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 311(3) pp. 590–614, (2002).
Tamás Vicsek: "Complexity: The bigger picture". Nature 418(6894) pp. 131–131, (2002).
Albert-László Barabási, Erzsebet Ravasz and Tamás Vicsek: "Deterministic scale-free networks". Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 299(3) pp. 559–564, (2001).
Illes J Farkas, Imre Derényi, Albert-László Barabási and Tamás Vicsek: "Spectra of “real-world” graphs: Beyond the semicircle law". Physical Review E 64(2) pp. 026704, (2001).
A Nikitin, Z Néda and T Vicsek: "Collective dynamics of two-mode stochastic oscillators". Physical Review Letters 87(2) pp. 024101, (2001).
Z Farkas, I Derenyi and T Vicsek: "Dynamics of actin filaments in motility assays: A microscopic model and its numerical simulation". NATO ASI SERIES 3 HIGH TECHNOLOGY 87 pp. 327–332, (2001).
Andras Czirók, Mitsugu Matsushita and Tamás Vicsek: "Theory of periodic swarming of bacteria: Application to Proteus mirabilis". Physical Review E 63(3) pp. 031915, (2001).
Tamás Vicsek: "A question of scale". Nature 411(6836) pp. 421–421, (2001).
P Tegzes, T Vicsek and P Schiffer: "Development of correlations in the dynamics of wet granular avalanches". Physical Review E 67(5) pp. 1–17, (2001).
I Albert, P Tegzes, R Albert, JG Sample, A-L Barabási, T Vicsek, B Kahng and P Schiffer: "Stick-slip fluctuations in granular drag". Physical Review E 64(3) pp. 031307, (2001).
P TEGZES, T Vicsek, R ALBERT and AL BARABASI: "Repose angle studies of wet granular media P. SCHIFFER". Powders and Grains 2001: Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Micromechanics of Granular Media, Sendai, Japan, 21-25 May 2001 pp. 479, (2001).
András Czirók and Tamás Vicsek: "Collective behavior of interacting self-propelled particles". Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 281(1) pp. 17–29, (2000).
Z Néda, E Ravasz, T Vicsek, Y Brechet and AL Barabási: "Focus: Applause Physics". Phys. Rev Phys Rev Focus 5 pp. 27, (2000).
Z Kornyei, András Czirók, Tamás Vicsek and Emilia Madarász: "Proliferative and migratory responses of astrocytes to in vitro injury". Journal of neuroscience research 61(4) pp. 421–429, (2000).
Zoltán Néda, Erzsébet Ravasz, Tamás Vicsek, Yves Brechet and Albert-Lázl{\'o Barabási: "Physics of the rhythmic applause". Physical Review E 61(6) pp. 6987, (2000).
I Derényi and T Vicsek: "Microscopic mechanism of biological motion". Fluctuation and Scaling in Biology pp. 117–216, (2000).
Katalin Schlett, András Czirók, Krisztián Tárnok, Tamás Vicsek, Emilia Madarasz and hers : "Dynamics of cell aggregation during in vitro neurogenesis by immortalized neuroectodermal progenitors". Journal of neuroscience research 60(2) pp. 184–194, (2000).
István Albert, Pál Tegzes, Réka Albert, John Sample, Albert-László Barabási, Tamás Vicsek, B Kahng and Peter Schiffer: "An experimental study of the fluctuations in granular drag". MRS Proceedings 627 pp. BB7–7, (2000).
Dirk Helbing, Illes Farkas and Tamás Vicsek: "Simulating dynamical features of escape panic". Nature 407(6803) pp. 487–490, (2000).
Tamás Vicsek, Dirk Helbing and András Czirók: "Transitions and optimal self-organization in the collective motion in driven systems". AIP Conference Proceedings 501 pp. 273, (2000).
A. Czirók, I. Fazekas, T. Bábel, E. Madarász B. Hegedűs and Vicsek : "Locomotion and proliferation of glioblastoma cells in vitro: statistical evaluation of videomicroscopic observations". J. Neurosurgery 92() pp. 424-434, (2000).
Dirk Helbing, Illés J Farkas and Tamás Vicsek: "Freezing by heating in a driven mesoscopic system". Physical review letters 84(6) pp. 1240, (2000).
Zoltan Néda, Erzsébet Ravasz, Yves Brechet, Tamás Vicsek and A-L Barabási: "Self-organizing processes: The sound of many hands clapping". Nature 403(6772) pp. 849–850, (2000).
I Albert, P Tegzes, B Kahng, R Albert, JG Sample, M Pfeifer, A-L Barabási, T Vicsek and P Schiffer: "Jamming and fluctuations in granular drag". Physical Review Letters 84(22) pp. 5122, (2000).
P Tegzes, R Albert, M Paskvan, AL Barabasi, T Vicsek and P Schiffer: "PART B-Complex fluids, polymers, and granular materials-Liquid-induced transitions in granular media". Physical Review-Section E-Statistical Physics Plasma Fluids Related Interdiscpl Topics 60(5) pp. 5923–5925, (1999).
Z Farkas, P Tegzes, A Vukics and T Vicsek: "Transitions in the horizontal transport of vertically vibrated granular layers". Physical Review E 60(6) pp. 7022, (1999).
András Czirók, Mária Vicsek and Tamás Vicsek: "Collective motion of organisms in three dimensions". Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 264(1) pp. 299–304, (1999).
Dirk Helbing and Tamás Vicsek: "Optimal self-organization". New Journal of Physics 1(1) pp. 13, (1999).
Andras Czirok, Albert-Laszlo Barabasi and Tamás Vicsek: "Collective Motion of Self-Propelled Particles: Kinetic Phase Transition in One Dimension". Physical Review Letters 82(1) pp. 209–212, (1999).
K Schlett, A Czirok, K Tárnok, O Haiman, T Vicsek and E Madarász: "Changes in cell adhesion and cell motility during induced neurogenesis, in vitro.". Neurobiology (Budapest, Hungary) 7(1) pp. 85, (1999).
Tamás Vicsek, András Czirók, Illés J Farkas and Dirk Helbing: "Application of statistical mechanics to collective motion in biology". Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 274(1) pp. 182–189, (1999).
P Tegzes, R Albert, M Paskvan, A-L Barabási, T Vicsek and P Schiffer: "Liquid-induced transitions in granular media". Physical Review E 60(5) pp. 5823, (1999).
T Biro, A Czirok, T Vicsek and {\'A Major: "Application of vector space techniques to DNA". Fractals 6(03) pp. 205–210, (1998).
I Derényi, P Tegzes and T Vicsek: "Collective transport in locally asymmetric periodic structures". Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science 8(3) pp. 657–664, (1998).
Imre Derényi and Tamás Vicsek: "Realistic models of biological motion". Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 249(1) pp. 397–406, (1998).
András Czirók, Katalin Schlett, Em{\'\i}lia Madarász and Tamás Vicsek: "Exponential distribution of locomotion activity in cell cultures". Physical Review Letters 81(14) pp. 3038, (1998).
Mária Vicsek and Tamás Vicsek: "Fractal growth models". ERCIM News(29) pp. 36–39, (1997).
Z Csahók, F Family and T Vicsek: "Transport of elastically coupled particles in an asymmetric periodic potential". Physical Review E 55(5) pp. 5179, (1997).
Eshel Ben-Jacob, Inon Cohen, András Czirók, Tamás Vicsek and David L Gutnick: "Chemomodulation of cellular movement, collective formation of vortices by swarming bacteria, and colonial development". Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 238(1) pp. 181–197, (1997).
A Czirók, E Somfai and T Vicsek: "Fractal scaling and power-law landslide distribution in a micromodel of geomorphological evolution". Geologische Rundschau 86(3) pp. 525–530, (1997).
András Czirók, H Eugene Stanley and Tamás Vicsek: "Spontaneously ordered motion of self-propelled particles". Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 30(5) pp. 1375, (1997).
András Czirók, Eshel Ben-Jacob, Inon Cohen and Tamás Vicsek: "Formation of complex bacterial colonies via self-generated vortices". Physical Review E 54(2) pp. 1791, (1996).
Eshel Ben-Jacob, Ofer Shochet, Adam Tenenbaum, Inon Cohen, Andras Czirók and Tamás Vicsek: "Response of bacterial colonies to imposed anisotropy". Physical Review E 53(2) pp. 1835, (1996).
Tamás Vicsek: "Fractal geometry". Fractal geometry in biological systems: An analytical approach pp. 317–343, (1996).
Imre Derényi and Tamás Vicsek: "The kinesin walk: a dynamic model with elastically coupled heads". Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 93(13) pp. 6775–6779, (1996).
T Vicsek: "Book Review:" Physics of Dendrites," by PK Galenko and VA Zhuravlev". Fractals 4(04) pp. 563–564, (1996).
András Czirók, H Eugene Stanley and Tamás Vicsek: "Possible origin of power-law behavior in n-tuple Zipf analysis". Physical Review E 53(6) pp. 6371, (1996).
Zoltán Neufeld, Mária Vicsek and Tamás Vicsek: "Complex spatiotemporal patterns in two lattice models with instability". Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 233(3) pp. 754–766, (1996).
Imre Derényi and Tamás Vicsek: "Cooperative transport of Brownian particles". Physical review letters 75(3) pp. 374, (1995).
T Vicsek, A Czirok, O Shochet and E Ben-Jacob: "Self-affine roughening of bacteria colony surfaces". SANTA FE INSTITUTE STUDIES IN THE SCIENCES OF COMPLEXITY-PROCEEDINGS VOLUME- 21 pp. 601–601, (1995).
Z Csahok, H Igarashi, T Honma and T Vicsek: "Computer models of magnetic brush formation in electrophotography". Advanced Computational Electromagnetics: Selected Papers of the 3rd Japan-Hungary Joint Seminar on Applied Electromagnetics in Materials and Computational Technology, Budapest, Hungary, 10-13 July, 1994 9 pp. 188, (1995).
Tamás Vicsek, András Czirók, Eshel Ben-Jacob, Inon Cohen and Ofer Shochet: "Novel type of phase transition in a system of self-driven particles". Physical Review Letters 75(6) pp. 1226, (1995).
M Vicsek and T Vicsek: "Intermittency, stochastic growth and phase transition in a simple deterministic partial differential equation with a singular term". Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 28(11) pp. L311, (1995).
Eshel Ben-Jacob, Inon Cohen, Ofer Shochet, Adam Tenenbaum, András Czirók and Tamás Vicsek: "Cooperative formation of chiral patterns during growth of bacterial colonies". Physical review letters 75 pp. 2899–2902, (1995).
ESHEL BEN-JACOB, OFER SHOCHET, INON COHEN, ADAM TENENBAUM, ANDRAS CZIRÓK and Tamás Vicsek: "Cooperative strategies in formation of complex bacterial patterns". Fractals 3(04) pp. 849–868, (1995).
E Somfai, A Czirok and T Vicsek: "Power-law distribution of landslides in an experiment on the erosion of a granular pile". Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 27(20) pp. L757, (1994).
Eshel Ben-Jacob, Ofer Shochet, Inon Cohen, Adam Tenenbaum, Andras CzirÓk and Tamás Vicsek: "Cooperative strategies and genome cybernetics in formation of complex bacterial patterns". MRS Proceedings 367(1), (1994).
Z Csahok and T Vicsek: "Traffic models with disorder". Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 27(16) pp. L591, (1994).
Eshel Ben-Jacob, Ofer Shochet, Adam Tenenbaum, Inon Cohen, Andras Czirok and Tamás Vicsek: "Communication, regulation and control during complex patterning of bacterial colonies". Fractals 2(01) pp. 15–44, (1994).
A Czirok, E Somfai and T Vicsek: "Self-affine roughening in a model experiment on erosion in geomorphology". Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 205(1) pp. 355–366, (1994).
Eshel Ben-Jacob, Ofer Schochet, Adam Tenenbaum, Inon Cohen, Andras Czirok, Tamás Vicsek and hers : "Generic modelling of cooperative growth patterns in bacterial colonies". Nature 368(6466) pp. 46–49, (1994).
Z Csahók, K Honda, E Somfai, M Vicsek and T Vicsek: "Dynamics of surface roughening in disordered media". Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 200(1) pp. 136–154, (1993).
A Czirok, E Somfai and T Vicsek: "Experimental evidence for self-affine roughening in a micromodel of geomorphological evolution". Physical review letters 71(13) pp. 2154, (1993).
Andras Czirok, Peter Szepfalusy and Tamás Vicsek: "On the Existence of Well Defined Singularities in Multifractals". Fractals 1(02) pp. 199–204, (1993).
T Vicsek, E Somfai and M Vicsek: "Kinetic roughening with multiplicative noise". Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 25(13) pp. L763, (1992).
Albert-László Barabási, Roch Bourbonnais, Mogens Jensen, János Kertész, Tamás Vicsek and Yi-Cheng Zhang: "Multifractality of growing surfaces". Physical Review A 45(10) pp. R6951, (1992).
Zoltán Csahók and Tamás Vicsek: "Kinetic roughening in a model of sedimentation of granular materials". Physical Review A 46(8) pp. 4577, (1992).
SV Buldyrev, A-L Barabási, F Caserta, S Havlin, HE Stanley and T Vicsek: "Anomalous interface roughening in porous media: Experiment and model". Physical Review A 45(12) pp. R8313, (1992).
Tamás Vicsek: "Dynamics of growing self-affine surfaces". From Statistical Physics to Chaos, G. Györgyi, I. Kondor, L. Sasvári, and T. Tél, eds.(World Scientific, Singapore, 1992), (1992).
L Reatto, G Stell, M Tau, Boris D Lubachevsky, Frank H Stillinger, Elliot N Pinson, SS Manna, T Vicsek, P Le Doussal, J Machta and hers : "Future Contributions to". Journal of Statistical Physics 64(1/2), (1991).
Sergey V Buldyrev, Shlomo Havlin, Janos Kertész, H Eugene Stanley and Tamás Vicsek: "Ballistic deposition with power-law noise: A variant of the Zhang model". Physical Review A 43(12) pp. 7113, (1991).
SS Manna and T Vicsek: "Multifractality of space-filling bearings and Apollonian packings". Journal of statistical physics 64(3-4) pp. 525–539, (1991).
Viktor K Horváth, Fereydoon Family and Tamás Vicsek: "Anomalous noise distribution of the interface in two-phase fluid flow". Physical review letters 67(23) pp. 3207, (1991).
Miklós Cserzö and Tamás Vicsek: "Self-affine fractal analysis of protein structures". Chaos, Solitons \& Fractals 1(5) pp. 431–438, (1991).
Albert-László Barabási, Péter Szépfalusy and Tamás Vicsek: "Multifractal spectra of multi-affine functions". Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 178(1) pp. 17–28, (1991).
R Bourbonnais, HJ Herrmann and T Vicsek: "Simulations of Kinetic Roughening with Power-Law Noise on the Connection Machine". International Journal of Modern Physics C 2(03) pp. 719–733, (1991).
B Hede, J Kertész and T Vicsek: "Self-affine fractal clusters: Conceptual questions and numerical results for directed percolation". Journal of statistical physics 64(3-4) pp. 829–841, (1991).
Albert-László Barabási and Tamás Vicsek: "Multifractality of self-affine fractals". Physical Review A 44(4) pp. 2730, (1991).
B Chopard, HJ Herrmann and T Vicsek: "Structure and growth mechanism of mineral dendrites". Nature 353(6343) pp. 409–412, (1991).
Viktor K Horváth, Fereydoon Family and Tamás Vicsek: "Dynamic scaling of the interface in two-phase viscous flows in porous media". Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 24(1) pp. L25, (1991).
T Vicsek and Albert-L Barabasi: "Multi-affine model for the velocity distribution in fully turbulent flows". Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 24(15) pp. L845, (1991).
T Vicsek, F Family and P Meakin: "Multifractal geometry of diffusion-limited aggregates". EPL (Europhysics Letters) 12(3) pp. 217, (1990).
Viktor K Horváth, Fereydoon Family and Tamás Vicsek: "Comment on ‘‘Self-affine fractal interfaces from immiscible displacement in porous media’’". Physical review letters 65(11) pp. 1388, (1990).
Tamás Vicsek: "Mass multifractals". Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 168(1) pp. 490–497, (1990).
Albert-László Barabási and Tamás Vicsek: "Tracing a diffusion-limited aggregate: self-affine versus self-similar scaling". Physical Review A 41(12) pp. 6881, (1990).
VK Horvath and Tamás Vicsek: "Stochastic spatial behaviour in deterministic pattern formation". Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 23(6) pp. L259, (1990).
Albert-L Barabasi and T Vicsek: "Self-similarity of the loop structure of diffusion-limited aggregates". Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 23(15) pp. L729, (1990).
Tamás Vicsek, Miklós Cserző and Viktor K Horváth: "Self-affine growth of bacterial colonies". Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 167(2) pp. 315–321, (1990).
Tamás Vicsek: "Deterministic models of fractal and multifractal growth". Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 38(1) pp. 356–361, (1989).
Tamás Tél, Ágnes Fülöp and Tamás Vicsek: "Determination of fractal dimensions for geometrical multifractals". Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 159(2) pp. 155–166, (1989).
BB Mandelbrot and T Vicsek: "Directed recursion models for fractal growth". Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 22(9) pp. L377, (1989).
Fereydoon Family and Tamás Vicsek: "Simulating fractal aggregation". Computers in Physics 4(1) pp. 44–49, (1989).
Paul Meakin, Janos Kertesz and Tamás Vicsek: "Noise-reduced diffusion-limited deposition". Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 21(5) pp. 1271, (1988).
Gy Radnoczi, T Vicsek, LM Sander and D Grier: "Growth of fractal crystals in amorphous GeSe2 films". Physical Review A 35 pp. 4012–4015, (1987).
Fereydoon Family, Daniel E Platt and T Vicsek: "Deterministic growth model of pattern formation in dendritic solidification". Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 20(17) pp. L1177, (1987).
Viktor Horváth, Tamás Vicsek and János Kertész: "Viscous fingering with imposed uniaxial anisotropy". Physical Review A 35(5) pp. 2353, (1987).
VK Horvath, J Kertesz and T Vicsek: "Viscous fingering in a smectic liquid crystal". EPL (Europhysics Letters) 4(10) pp. 1133, (1987).
T Vicsek and J Kertesz: "Laplacian Pattern Formation". Res. Inst. Tech. Phys. Hung. Acad. Sci. Yearb. pp. 72–83, (1987).
Paul Meakin and Tamás Vicsek: "Diffusion-limited aggregation with radial bias". Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 20(3) pp. L171, (1987).
T Tel and T Vicsek: "Geometrical multifractality of growing structures". Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 20(13) pp. L835, (1987).
Tamás Vicsek: "Formation of Interfacial Patterns in Aggregation and Viscous Flows". Physica Scripta 1987(T19B) pp. 334, (1987).
Tamás Vicsek and Alexander S Szalay: "Fractal distribution of galaxies modeled by a cellular-automaton-type stochastic process". Physical review letters 58(26) pp. 2818, (1987).
T Vicsek, F Family, J Kertesz and D Platt: "Distribution and entropy of clusters in growth models". EPL (Europhysics Letters) 2(11) pp. 823, (1986).
J Kertesz and Tamás Vicsek: "Diffusion-limited aggregation and regular patterns: fluctuations versus anisotropy". Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 19(5) pp. L257, (1986).
F Family, T Vicsek and B Taggett: "Lattice-induced anisotropy in a diffusion-limited growth model". Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 19(12) pp. L727, (1986).
János Kertész, Tamás Vicsek and Paul Meakin: "Singularities and asymptotics in diffusion-limited aggregation". Physical review letters 57(26) pp. 3303, (1986).
Agnes Buka, János Kertész and Tamás Vicsek: "Transitions of viscous fingering patterns in nematic liquid crystals". Nature 323(6087) pp. 424–425, (1986).
Fereydoon Family, Paul Meakin and Tamás Vicsek: "Cluster size distribution in chemically controlled cluster–cluster aggregation". The Journal of chemical physics 83 pp. 4144, (1985).
J Lee Montag, Fereydoon Family, Tamás Vicsek and Hisao Nakanishi: "Optimized phenomenological renormalization group for geometrical models: Applications to diffusion-limited aggregation". Physical Review A 32(4) pp. 2557, (1985).
Fereydoon Family and Tamás Vicsek: "Scaling of the active zone in the Eden process on percolation networks and the ballistic deposition model". Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 18(2) pp. L75, (1985).
Tamás Vicsek, Paul Meakin and Fereydoon Family: "Scaling in steady-state cluster-cluster aggregation". Physical Review A 32(2) pp. 1122, (1985).
Paul Meakin, Tamás Vicsek and Fereydoon Family: "Dynamic cluster-size distribution in cluster-cluster aggregation: Effects of cluster diffusivity". Physical Review B 31(1) pp. 564, (1985).
Tamás Vicsek: "Formation of solidification patterns in aggregation models". Physical Review A 32(5) pp. 3084, (1985).
Paul Meakin and Tamás Vicsek: "Internal structure of diffusion-limited aggregates". Physical Review A 32(1) pp. 685, (1985).
Fereydoon Family, Tamás Vicsek and Paul Meakin: "Are random fractal clusters isotropic?". Physical review letters 55(7) pp. 641, (1985).
Tamás Vicsek and Fereydoon Family: "Critical dynamics in cluster-cluster aggregation". Kinetics of Aggregation and Gelation pp. 111, (1984).
Tamás Vicsek: "Pattern formation in diffusion-limited aggregation". Physical review letters 53(24) pp. 2281, (1984).
Tamás Vicsek and Fereydoon Family: "Dynamic scaling for aggregation of clusters". Physical review letters 52(19) pp. 1669, (1984).
T Vicsek: "The Geometry and Statistics of Irreversibly Grown Clusters". Research Institute for Technical Physics of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, MFKI'82/83 Yearbook pp. 82–85, (1984).
T Vicsek: "On random walks in percolation models". Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 16(6) pp. 1215, (1983).
Zoltán Rácz and Tamás Vicsek: "Diffusion-controlled deposition: Cluster statistics and scaling". Physical review letters 51(26) pp. 2382, (1983).
T Vicsek: "Fractal models for diffusion controlled aggregation". Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 16(17) pp. L647, (1983).
Z Rácz and T Vicsek: "Ising transition into an order with extensive entropy at T= 0: Potts antiferromagnets in a magnetic field". Physical Review B 27(5) pp. 2992, (1983).
T Vicsek, J Kertesz and J Cserti: "Random walks on directed percolation clusters". Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 15(4) pp. L189, (1982).
János Kertész and Tamás Vicsek: "Monte Carlo renormalization group study of the percolation problem of discs with a distribution of radii". Zeitschrift für Physik B Condensed Matter 45(4) pp. 345–350, (1982).
T Vicsek and J Kertesz: "Monte Carlo renormalisation-group approach to percolation on a continuum: test of universality". Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 14(2) pp. L31, (1981).
T Vicsek: "Random walks on bond percolation clusters: ac hopping conductivity below the threshold". Zeitschrift für Physik B Condensed Matter 45(2) pp. 153–157, (1981).
T Vicsek and J Kertész: "Finite size scaling study of percolation on the honeycomb lattice with various length to width ratios". Physics Letters A 81(1) pp. 51–53, (1981).
T Vicsek: "Simple variational method for the closures of the Ornstein-Zernike equation: A study of liquid instability". Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 102(3) pp. 523–531, (1980).
T Vicsek: "Comment on “Percus-Yevick theory for the system of hard spheres with a square-well attraction”". Czechoslovak Journal of Physics 28(9) pp. 1059–1060, (1978).
T Geszti and T Vicsek: "A thermodynamical study of halogen lamps with carbon additive". Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 9(6) pp. 903, (1976).
Book chapters, review articles
- F. Family and T. Vicsek: "Dynamic Scaling in Aggregation Phenomena" in Physics of Finely Divided Matter, Edited by M. Daoud (Springer Verlag, 1985) p. 187
- Vicsek T.: "Kritikus viselkedés perkolációs rendszerekben" A szilárdtestfizika újabb eredményei, Szerk. Siklós T. (Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest, 1985) p. 199
- Vicsek T.: "Mintázatképzodés aggregációs folyamatokban" Magyar Tudomány, 5, 356 (1986)
- T. Vicsek: "Formation of Interfacial Patterns in Aggregation and Viscous Flows", Physica Scr. T19, 334 (1987)
- T. Vicsek and J. Kertész: "Laplacian Pattern Formation", Europhys News, 19, 24 (1988)
- Vicsek T.: "Fraktál geometria, dinamikus skálázás és mintázatképzodés növekedési folyamatokban" A szilárdtestfizika újabb eredményei, Szerk. Siklós T. (Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest,1990)
- F. Family and T. Vicsek: ``Simulating Fractal Aggregation'' in Computers in Physics Jan/Febr (1990) p. 44
- T. Vicsek: Dynamics of growing self-affine surfaces, in From statistical physics to chaos, ed. by G. Györgyi, I. Kondor, L. Sasvári and T. Tél (World Scientific, Singapore, 1992)
- J. Kertész and T. Vicsek: Self-affine surfaces, in Fractals in Sciences eds. A. Bunde and S. Havlin (Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1994)
- T. Vicsek: Fractal Geometry in Fractals in Biology eds. P. M. Iannaccone and M. Khokha (CRC Press, New York, 1996) p. 317-343
- M. Vicsek and T. Vicsek: `Fractal Growth Models'' ERCIM News 29 (1997) 36
- M. Vicsek and T. Vicsek: `Aggregation Models'' CWI Quarterly 10 (1997) 153-178
- A. Czirók and T. Vicsek: `Collective Motion'' D. Reguera, M. Rubi, J. Vilar (Eds.), Statistical Mechanics of Biocomplexity, Lecture Notes in Physics 527, (Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1999). p. 152-164
- D. Helbing, I.J. Farkas, and T. Vicsek, "Crowd Disasters and Simulat of Panic Situations" p. 334 - 354 in A. Bunde, J. Kropp, and H.J.Schellnhuber (eds.): The Science of Disasters, (Springer, Berlin, 2002) p. 334 - 354
- T. Vicsek "Crowd Control", Europhys News, 34, 45 (2003)
- I. Farkas, I. Derényi, G. Palla and T. Vicsek, "Equilibrium statistical mechanics of network structures" Lect. Notes Phys. A, 650 (2004) 163-187
- I. Farkas and T. Vicsek, "Patterns in the Collective Behaviour of Humans" Modelling Cooperative Behaviour in the Social Sciences , Eds. P. L. Garrido, J. Marro and M. A. Munoz (AIP Conference Proceedings, New York, 2005) 1-16
- T. Vicsek, "Complexity in the Collective Behaviour of Humans" Complexity, Metastability and Nonextensivity , Eds. C. Beck, G. Benedek, A. Rapisarda and C Tsallis (World Scientific, New Jersey, Singapore, 2005)p. 287-301
- D. Helbing, I. J. Farkas, P. Molnár, and T. Vicsek (2002) Simulation of pedestrian crowds in normal and evacuation situations. Pages 21-58 in: M. Schreckenberg and S. D. Sharma (eds.) Pedestrian and Evacuation Dynamics (Springer, Berlin).
Papers in conference proceedings
- L. Uray, T. Vicsek, I. Gaál: "Diffusion of Iron in Tungsten Lattice" Proc. of the 5th Int. Conf. on Therm. Prop. of Matter (Moscow, 1976)
- Z. Rácz and T. Vicsek: "Cluster Statistics and Scaling in a Regular Model of Diffusion-Controlled Deposition" in Kinetics of Aggregation and Gelation, edited by F. Family and D.P. Landau (North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1984) p. 255
- T. Vicsek and F. Family: "Critical Dynamics in Cluster-Cluster Aggregation" in Kinetics of Aggregation and Gelation, edited by F. Family and D.P. Landau (North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1984) p. 111
- T. Vicsek: "Formation of Solidification Patterns in Aggregation Models" in Fractals in Physics, edited by L. Pietronero and E. Tosatti (North Holland, Amsterdam, 1986) p. 247
- P. Meakin and T. Vicsek: "Internal Anisotropy of Diffusion-limited Aggregates", in Fractals in Physics, edited by L. Pietronero and E. Tosatti: (North Holland, Amsterdam, 1986) p. 213
- T. Vicsek and M. Vicsek: "Computer Simulations of Fractal Growth" in Chaos in Education edited by Gy. Marx (NCET, Veszprém, 1987)
- T. Vicsek: "Disordered Patterns in Deterministic Growth" in Fluctuations and Pattern Growth edited by H. E. Stanley and N. Ostrowski (Kluver, Dordrecht, 1988)
- T. Vicsek: "Construction of a Radial Hele-Shaw Cell" in Fluctuations and Pattern Growth edited by H. E. Stanley and N. Ostrowski (Kluver, Dordrecht, 1988)
- T. Vicsek, F. Family and P. Meakin: ``Geometrical multifractality of diffusion-limited aggregates'' in Proc. of the Material Res. Soc. General Meeting, Boston, 1989
- T. Vicsek:``Mass Multifractality in Cluster Growth Models'' in it Computer Simulation Studies in Condensed Matter Physics edited by D. P. Landau, K. K. Mon and H. B. Schüttler (Spriger, New York, 1990)
- T. Vicsek:``Fractal Growth of Crystals'' in Crystal Growth ed. A. Lörinczy (Trans Tech Publ., Zürich, 1991)
- T. Vicsek, Kinetic roughening with multiplicative noise, in Surface Disordering eds. R. Jullien, J. Kertesz, P. Meakin and D. Wolf (Nova Science, New York, 1992)
- A-L Barabasi, S.V. Buldyrev, S. Havlin, G. Huber, H. E. Stanley and T. Vicsek: Imbibition in porous media: Experiment and theory, in Surface Disordering eds. R. Jullien, J. Kertesz, P. Meakin and D. Wolf (Nova Science, New York, 1992)
- T. Vicsek: The geometry and dynamics of growing rough surfaces, in Applied Electromegnetics in materials and computational technology, Eds. T. Honma, I. Sebestyen, T. Shibata (Hokkaido Univ. Press, Sapporo, 1992)
- T. Vicsek: Multiaffinity in growth and turbulence, in Pattern formation in complex dissipative systems, ed. by S. Kai (World Scientific, Singapore, 1992)
- S. Havlin, A-L Barabasi, S.V. Buldyrev, H. E. Stanley and T. Vicsek: ``Anomalous surface roughening: Experiment and models'' in Growth Patterns in Physical Sciences and Biology eds. P. Meakin, L. Sander and P. Garcia-Ruiz (Plenum, New York, 1993) p.85-98
- T. Vicsek: ``The fractal nature of common patterns'' in Pattern formation in physical systems and biology eds. P. Meakin, L. Sander and P. Garcia-Ruiz (Plenum, New York, 1993)
- E. Ben-Jacob, O. Shochet, A. Tenenbaum, I. Cohen, A. Czirok and T. Vicsek: ``Pattern formation in bacterial colonies'' in Proceedings of the Fall Meeting of MRS (Boston, 28 Nov. - 2 Dec. 1994)
- T. Vicsek, A. Czirok E. Ben-Jacob and O. Shochet : ``Self-Affine roughening of bacteria colony surfaces '' in Spatio-Temporal Patterns, eds. P. Palffy-Muhoray and P. Cladis, Santa Fe Inst., Proc. Vol XXI (Addison Wesley, New York, 1995)
- Z. Csahók, H. Igarashi, T. Honma and T. Vicsek: ``Computer models of magnetic brush fromation in electrophotography'' in Advanced Computational Electromagnetics, ed. by T. Honma (Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1995) p.119
- I. Derenyi and T. Vicsek `The kinesin walk: A dynamic model with elastically coupled heads, Computer science and Biology, editors R. Hoefstadt, T.Lengauer, M. Loffler, D. Schomburg, (Leipzig Univ. Press, Leipzig, 1996)
- I. Derenyi, P. Tegzes and T. Vicsek `Collective transport in locally asymmetric periodic structures'' , Traffic and Granular Flow '97, editors M. Schreckenberg and D. E. Wolf (Springer, New York, 1998) p. 97-108
- A. Czirok and T. Vicsek `Collective Motion in Biology '' Traffic and Granular Flow '97, editors M. Schreckenberg and D. E. Wolf (Springer, New York, 1998) p. 3-19
- K. Schlett, A. Czirok, O. Haiman, E. Madarasz and T. Vicsek, "In vitro neurogenesys followed by computer controlled videomicroscopy" 42th ETCS Conference, Mainz, Eur. J. Cell Biol. suppl. 47 74 (1997) 52
- K. Schlett, A. Czirok, K. Tarnok, E. Madarasz and T. Vicsek, "Changes in adhesion and cell motility during in vitro neurogenesis" 12 Biennial Meeting ISDN, Vancuver, Int. J. Dev. Neurosci. 16 (1998) 577, B26
- P. Schiffer, P. Tegzes, T. Vicsek, R. Albert, and A.-L. Barabasi Jamming and Fluctuations in Granular Drag In Powders & Grains 2001 ed. Y. Kishino, A.A.Balkema, Lisse (2001) p. 479-482
- T. Vicsek, D. Helbing and A. Czirók: Transitions and optimal self-organization in the collective motion in driven systems; in Dynamics and pattern formation in biological and complex systems; eds: S. Kim, K.J. Lee and W. Sung (AIP conference proceedings, Melville, New York, 2000).
- D. Helbing, I. Farkas and T. Vicsek`Freezing by heating in pedestrian dynamics'', in Social, Traffic and Granular Dynamics '', eds D. Helbing, H. Herrmann, M. Schreckenberg and D. E. Wolf (Springer, Berlin, 2000)
- Z. Farkas, A. Vukics, and T. Vicsek: `Vertically vibrated granular layers in a box with sawtooth-shaped base'' in T. Pöschel and S. Luding (eds.) Granular Gases, Lecture Notes in Physics 254 (Springer, Berlin, 2001) pp. 254-265
- P. Schiffer, P. Tegzes, T. Vicsek, R. Albert, and A.-L. Barabási, "Jamming and Fluctuations in Granular Drag" In Powders and Grains 2001 ed. Y. Kishino, A.A.Balkema, Lisse (2001) p. 479-482
- Z. Farkas, I. Derényi and T. Vicsek, " Dynamics of actinfilaments in motility assays", in J.J. Kasianowitz et al (eds) Structure andDynamics of Confined Polymers (Kluwer Acad Publ., Amsterdam, 2002), 327-332
- T. Vicsek, Collective behaviour of people, in A.J. Skjeltorp and T. Vicsek, szerk., " Complexity from Microscopic to Macroscopic Scales: Coherence and large deviations", NATO Science Series (Kluwer, Dordrecht) 2002, p. 171-180
Papers in Hungarian and popular science articles
- Vicsek T. és Geszti T.: "Az oxigén szerepe a halogénlámpák transzportfolyamataiban", MFKI Közl 15, 153 (1975)
- Vicsek T. és Geszti T.: "A foszfor getterezo hatásáról halogénlámpákban" MFKI Közl 16, 49 (1975)
- Vicsek T.: "Észrevételek fraktálnövekedéshez", Tudomány 3, 61 (1987)
- Vicsek T. "A természet mintázatai", Delta 5, 8 (1987)
- Kertész J. és Vicsek T.: "Mintázatképzodés és effektív anizotrópia", Fizikai Szemle 2, 49 (1987) 5.
- Vicsek T.: "Hogyan építsünk Hele-Shaw cellát?" Fizikai Szemle 7, 253
- Vicsek T.:"Fraktálnövekedés számitógépes szimulációja" Fizikai Szemle 7, 253
- Vicsek T.: ``Számítógépes szimuláció: A fizikai jelenségek megértésének új módszere'' Magyar Tudomány 9, 1048 (1990)
- Vicsek M., Vicsek T.: Fraktálok a fizikában I. Bevezetés a törtdimenziós objektumok geometriájába, Fizikai Szemle, 2 (1993) 41
- Vicsek M., Vicsek T.: Fraktálok a fizikában II. Mintázatképzodés növekedési jelenségekben, Fizikai Szemle, 3 (1993) 96
- Vicsek T.: Fraktál hegygerincek kialakulása eróziós modellkisérletekben Magyar Tudomány 1, 8 (1994)
- E. Ben-Jacob, O. Shochet, A. Tenenbaum, I. Cohen, A. Czirok and T. Vicsek: ``Baktériumtelepek kooperativ növekedési mintázatai'' Fizikai Szemle 8, 313 (1994)
- Czirók A., Csahók Z. Derényi I. és Vicsek T.: `Biológiai mozgások statisztikus fizikai modelljei'' Fizikai Szemle 6, (1996) 189
- Vicsek T.: Új irányok a biológiai fizikában: az élő fraktáloktól a kollektív mozgásig Magyar Tudomány 1, 18 (1998)
- Vicsek T.: A fizika jövője itthonról is nézve Magyar Tudomány 7, 816 (1998)
- Vicsek T.: `Hungarian Physicists Entering Biology'' Fizikai Szemle 5, (1999) 210
- Vicsek T.: "Leírható-e egyenletekkel az embertömegek viselkedése" Magyar Tudomány 4, (2000) 436 - 447
- Néda Z. Ravasz E., Vicsek T., Y. Brechet és A. L. Barabási: `Vastaps'' Fizikai Szemle 4, (2000) 113
- D. Helbing, Farkas I. és Vicsek T.: `A menekülési pánik dinamikai tulajdonságainak szimulációja'' Fizikai Szemle 10, (2000) 329
- Vicsek T.:`Multidiszciplináris fizika'' Fizikai Szemle 1, (2001) 5
- Vicsek T.: `Az élőlények kollektiv viselkedésének fizikája'', Debreceni Szemle 1, (2001) 3
- Farkas I. D. Helbing és Vicsek T., Mexikói hullámok gerjeszthető közegekben, Fizikai Szemle 7, (2003) 246
- Vicsek T.: "Komplexitás elmélet" Magyar Tudomány 3, (2003) 305
- Vicsek T.: Rend és rendezetlen, in Mindentudás Egyeteme 1, szerk. Hitseker Mária és Szilágyi Zsuzsa (Budapest, Kossuth kiadó, 2004)
- Vicsek T.: "Mindentudás az iskolában: Fraktálok" Fizikai Szemle 6, (2005) 221
- Vicsek T.: "Biológiai Rendszerek Modellezése" Természet Világa 1 különszám, A Fizika százada, (2006) 96
- Kertész János és Vicsek Tamás: " Komplex hálózatok a természetben és a társadalomban", Magyar Tudomány 5, (2006) 558
- Derényi I., Farkas I., Palla G. és Vicsek T.: "Csoportosulások szociológiai, technológiai és biológiai hálózatokban", Magyar Tudomány, 11, (2006) 1319
- Palla G. Derényi I., Farkas I., Pollner P. és Vicsek T., A természet és a társadalom komplex hálózataiban található átfedõ csoportosulások feltárása, MÛSZAKI SZEMLE, (EMMTT ) 42 (2008) 9
- M. Vicsek and T. Vicsek:``Fractal Growth: Demonstrations of Aggregation Models'' (World Scientific, Singapore, 1991)
- - Japanese version with S. Miyazima (Asakura Shoten, 1991)
- D. Helbing, I. Farkas and T. Vicsek: Simulation software for "Simulating Dynamical Features of Escape Panic" (
- G. Palla, I. Derenyi, I. Farkas, A. Adamcsek and T. Vicsek CFinder, a menu-driven software package for locating overlaping clusters/communities in large complex networks (